Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Suck My Kiss

1: The Red Hot Chili Peppers "Suck My Kiss" has now become my new favorite song. The lyrics are so edgy and firey and the beat it so fucking catchy I've had in on repeat for like an hour!! I know all the words and I can't stop singing it. It's also now my facebook status. Well...that probably wasn't such a good idea since pretty much my whole family is on facebook...yea..woops
2:The other day I was in the library with my friend Avey and as I was picking up my papers to put away, I found a sheet of paper with two lines printed at the top. They read: "So in conclusion, there is no reason for anyone to be a deadbeat father. Just take care of your damn kids!!!!" Thank you mystery writer, I'll make sure to keep that in mind.
3: "I like your avatar kiddo." This is a comment my dad posted on my facebook. Dad, this is not a forum!!!! This is facebook!! And Daaaaaaad. Don't call me kiddo in front of my friiiiends ><
4: Sometimes we don't think life is worth living. We give up, we give in, we break down. But stand up. Don't stop. Keep fighting. Life's what you make of it. So stop falling back and start running foward.
5: I'm a star wars geek. If ya don't like it, I don't care. Star Wars is worth being a geek for :D Search your heart, you know it to be true ;)
6:I admit it...I like taco bell
7: Not much to say...hmmm...o well :D
Sincerely Katie B

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