Tuesday, March 2, 2010

HSPA Day 1

1: The HSPA is a joke. For the math sections anyway. Basically if you take pre-calc and up, you should be exempt. Easy Peesy...and watch me come out failing the friggen math section -_-.
2: I offically dub myself a sexually starved person. I have no problem whatsoever posting this because I pay cash fellas ;)
3:Following someone around and threatening them, talking "smack" about them in front of them, and just plain harrassing them is what I like to call stalking folks. It is a felony. I promise.
4: I am so pissed at myself for not having my glasses today when I was supposed to go to driving school, causing my dad to lose precious paid time off, and having Ron (who owns the place) lose an entire afternoon of business and costing him 190 dollars. I feel terrrrrible :(
5: I am also a sexually awkward teen. Mmmm watch out boys here I come ;) Again, cold hard cash!!!!
6: I like someone ;). You may think you know who you are, but you don't.
7: I love all you formspring people who send me dirty messages. You seriously make my day. Keep up the good work.
8: I'm pretty sure I am now officially a fan of everything on facebook. Some of you may think its a win. No. Fail
9: Currently I am playing spider solitare. The cards I keep getting are very unhelpful. Fuck you spider solitare!!! I will win you! >:}
10: Hmmm todays posts weren't very long. O well
Sincerely Katie B

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