Thursday, March 4, 2010

HSPA Day 3 (last day)

1: Everything we had to do for the HSPA today had to do with fast food. The persuasive essay and the reading passage. Wtf? Are you trying to make my mouth water while I'm taking a stupid test? Man I was friggen starving for some poptarts afterward, which I did get. Hot fudge sundae, yuuum. Yea, but HSPA was madddd easy.
2: 1, 2, 3 ,4 Can I have a little more? 5, 6 , 7, 8 9 10 I love you! A, B, C, D Can I bring my friend to tea? E, F , G, H I J I love you! If you dont get the reference you are uncultured swine!!!
3: My day was made today by my first period biology class. You all know why ;)
4: I reaaaally want to go to this summer program at the art institute of boston!! Its 4,000 dollars I better get a job! xD anyone hiring?
5:I feel like a model lol. I was being photographed today for a friends project. *poses* xD
6: So I'll sing a song of love, for Juuuulia. ♥ go beatles
7: Today has been a pretty good day, much hasnt happened, and the things that have a good things, so I'm happy. Its a good day, it's a good day. Maybe it was the ice coffee I had at 5:00 this afternoon. After all it wasn't decaf :D
8: 5 gum now makes a black gum. Best. Gum. Ever.
9: So many of my friends are just giving up on relationships. Personally I think they're way too young. 16 is a time in your life where ur supposed to just have fun with your relationships and make the most of it. You only get to be young once, so why not enjoy it with someone else. Personally, I will never get rid of love, I'm such a hopeless romantic. If that makes me pathetic so be it, I just don't understand (after all I've been through with relationships) how anyone could just give up. After all, one is the loneliest number.
Sincerely Katie B

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