Saturday, March 13, 2010

I Officially Have No Life

1: Getting grounded off my laptop for the past couple of days has really shown me how much of a life I DON'T have. I mean, when I wasn't thinking about maybe possibly sneaking onto my laptop for like 5 seconds, I was wondering how many facebook comments I had. I realize how pathetic this is. Good to know though, that half the people in my life are the same way.
2: I admit it, I do creep on some peoples profiles on facebook. But really, come on folks, we all do it, whether it's that boy you're crushing on, you're hated ex, or a really good friend. So don't deny it. Don't hate it, embrace it! :DD
3: Got my spiderman hoodie back!! I'm half happy half sad though. Happy because I love this hoodie :) Sad because I had to give back the wrestling hoodie :( Damn you cruel compromise!!!! WHY!!!!!???
4: It's so fun when men get jealous :D
5: Thanks to the impossible amount of rain we're getting here in NJ, there is now a swamp in my backyard. Now all I need to do it build a home from mud, moss and tree bark, turn into an ogar, develop a british accent, and make my dog look like a donkey. Knowing me, this could actually happen.
6: Tons of my friends took the SAT today and were complaining and complaining. Yo, I took it when I was 11 years old and I was fine. AND I got a higher score than like 60% of the highschoolers taking it at the time. So stfu.
7: I hate it when you're friends tell you they feel like shit and then tell you not to worry. -___- too late jackass, that ship sailed when you told me you felt like hell.
8: I was wearing my hood today at the dinner table just for no apparent reason and my grandfather looks over at me and says "What, training to become the next Zodiac Kate?" Maybe I am grandpop, maybe I am >;}
9:It's 10:52pm on a saturday, 46 degrees, raining like hell, and I am as happy as a peach :D
10: Just a few seconds ago I took a big sniff of the air and realized it smelled like cookies baking. I got up and ran downstairs, and noticed when I got down there that the smell was gone. It was then that I remembered that my mother got me fresh baked cookies scented tealights for christmas and I had one lit in my room. Fail.
11: My friends and I are cooler than giraffes. And giraffes, they're cool ;)
Sincerely Katie B

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