Sunday, March 14, 2010

Jealous Men

1: Jealous men are fun and annoying at the same time. On one had you feel adored and loved and so on. Plus it's just plain adorable! On the other hand it's like "Okay, chill! Stop being such a jealous bitch!" More of the first one though. So guys, be happy. You're lucky we girls think it's so wonderfully cute ;)
2: Don't ya just love romance ♥
3:Isn't it funny that after doing nothing for an entire day, pretty much sitting on your ass, you feel tired as hell. Wtf! How does that one work!?
4: "There are days for hard shell tacos and there are days for soft shell tacos. Either way, there will be tacos." I love you tacos, you make my tummy smile. And thank you mom, for making tacos for dinner *thumbs up*
5: My house smells like a mix between spicey tacos and cleaning products. Time to light my fresh baked cookie candle.
6: I just went outside to let my dog do his business, and every night while I'm doing this I look up at the moon and smile. Tonight, I couldn't find the moon for the first time ever. Womp :[
7: Sometimes I worry if I'm just going to be alone for the rest of my life. I mean, I'm sure it's an idiotic thing to think at my age, being so young and having so much ahead of me, yet still...I worry ya know. Sometimes I sort of feel like I was manufactured by the man upstairs to repel those of the opposite sex (and same sex for that matter) as some kind of sick joke. Guess whose not laughing -__-
8: I hate it when guys see the ipad and are like "O0o0o0o0o tampon joke." No! No! Fuck you no! Tampons do not equal pads! Two toally different things! God!!
9:April 15th is kick a freshman day. This is going to be fun >:}
10: For Z-Day (which has been this whole weekend) I made a t-shirt that said zombie on the front and other stuffs on the back. I turned 7 people into zombies and 3 of them were thrilled to join in my Brain harvesting raid >:D. Go zombiesssss! Die humans!!!!!
11: I hope we're having chicken for lunch tomorrow in school.
Sincerely Katie B

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