Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Suck My Kiss

1: The Red Hot Chili Peppers "Suck My Kiss" has now become my new favorite song. The lyrics are so edgy and firey and the beat it so fucking catchy I've had in on repeat for like an hour!! I know all the words and I can't stop singing it. It's also now my facebook status. Well...that probably wasn't such a good idea since pretty much my whole family is on facebook...yea..woops
2:The other day I was in the library with my friend Avey and as I was picking up my papers to put away, I found a sheet of paper with two lines printed at the top. They read: "So in conclusion, there is no reason for anyone to be a deadbeat father. Just take care of your damn kids!!!!" Thank you mystery writer, I'll make sure to keep that in mind.
3: "I like your avatar kiddo." This is a comment my dad posted on my facebook. Dad, this is not a forum!!!! This is facebook!! And Daaaaaaad. Don't call me kiddo in front of my friiiiends ><
4: Sometimes we don't think life is worth living. We give up, we give in, we break down. But stand up. Don't stop. Keep fighting. Life's what you make of it. So stop falling back and start running foward.
5: I'm a star wars geek. If ya don't like it, I don't care. Star Wars is worth being a geek for :D Search your heart, you know it to be true ;)
6:I admit it...I like taco bell
7: Not much to say...hmmm...o well :D
Sincerely Katie B

Monday, March 15, 2010

Underneath My Blanket

1: Currently I am snuggled deep under the warm sanctuary known as my blanket, listening to "Vanilla Twilight" by Owl City stream softly from my speakers. Tears are gently rolling down my cheeks as I miss romance and being hugged tightly around the waist to someones warm chest. A lot of people see me as a strong person, a tough sarcastic exterior with soft gentle eyes and a kind hand held out to help. Truth is people, I'm so weak. I'm weak and lonely, and when I'm alone I crumple up under it. I fall apart and dissolve like a wet piece of paper. Just thought I'd let all of you people who actually read this know.
2: My mom made the most amazing Nachos before dinner tonight! Go mom! You're on a friggen hot streak this week with dinner. You keep up the good work now, ya hear?
3: I did my homework!!! OMG!!! This is madness!!!! What is happening to this world!!!??
4: Not much to say today, so bye everyone. Have a nice day..or afternoon..or night. :D
Sincerely Katie B

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Jealous Men

1: Jealous men are fun and annoying at the same time. On one had you feel adored and loved and so on. Plus it's just plain adorable! On the other hand it's like "Okay, chill! Stop being such a jealous bitch!" More of the first one though. So guys, be happy. You're lucky we girls think it's so wonderfully cute ;)
2: Don't ya just love romance ♥
3:Isn't it funny that after doing nothing for an entire day, pretty much sitting on your ass, you feel tired as hell. Wtf! How does that one work!?
4: "There are days for hard shell tacos and there are days for soft shell tacos. Either way, there will be tacos." I love you tacos, you make my tummy smile. And thank you mom, for making tacos for dinner *thumbs up*
5: My house smells like a mix between spicey tacos and cleaning products. Time to light my fresh baked cookie candle.
6: I just went outside to let my dog do his business, and every night while I'm doing this I look up at the moon and smile. Tonight, I couldn't find the moon for the first time ever. Womp :[
7: Sometimes I worry if I'm just going to be alone for the rest of my life. I mean, I'm sure it's an idiotic thing to think at my age, being so young and having so much ahead of me, yet still...I worry ya know. Sometimes I sort of feel like I was manufactured by the man upstairs to repel those of the opposite sex (and same sex for that matter) as some kind of sick joke. Guess whose not laughing -__-
8: I hate it when guys see the ipad and are like "O0o0o0o0o tampon joke." No! No! Fuck you no! Tampons do not equal pads! Two toally different things! God!!
9:April 15th is kick a freshman day. This is going to be fun >:}
10: For Z-Day (which has been this whole weekend) I made a t-shirt that said zombie on the front and other stuffs on the back. I turned 7 people into zombies and 3 of them were thrilled to join in my Brain harvesting raid >:D. Go zombiesssss! Die humans!!!!!
11: I hope we're having chicken for lunch tomorrow in school.
Sincerely Katie B

Saturday, March 13, 2010

I Officially Have No Life

1: Getting grounded off my laptop for the past couple of days has really shown me how much of a life I DON'T have. I mean, when I wasn't thinking about maybe possibly sneaking onto my laptop for like 5 seconds, I was wondering how many facebook comments I had. I realize how pathetic this is. Good to know though, that half the people in my life are the same way.
2: I admit it, I do creep on some peoples profiles on facebook. But really, come on folks, we all do it, whether it's that boy you're crushing on, you're hated ex, or a really good friend. So don't deny it. Don't hate it, embrace it! :DD
3: Got my spiderman hoodie back!! I'm half happy half sad though. Happy because I love this hoodie :) Sad because I had to give back the wrestling hoodie :( Damn you cruel compromise!!!! WHY!!!!!???
4: It's so fun when men get jealous :D
5: Thanks to the impossible amount of rain we're getting here in NJ, there is now a swamp in my backyard. Now all I need to do it build a home from mud, moss and tree bark, turn into an ogar, develop a british accent, and make my dog look like a donkey. Knowing me, this could actually happen.
6: Tons of my friends took the SAT today and were complaining and complaining. Yo, I took it when I was 11 years old and I was fine. AND I got a higher score than like 60% of the highschoolers taking it at the time. So stfu.
7: I hate it when you're friends tell you they feel like shit and then tell you not to worry. -___- too late jackass, that ship sailed when you told me you felt like hell.
8: I was wearing my hood today at the dinner table just for no apparent reason and my grandfather looks over at me and says "What, training to become the next Zodiac Kate?" Maybe I am grandpop, maybe I am >;}
9:It's 10:52pm on a saturday, 46 degrees, raining like hell, and I am as happy as a peach :D
10: Just a few seconds ago I took a big sniff of the air and realized it smelled like cookies baking. I got up and ran downstairs, and noticed when I got down there that the smell was gone. It was then that I remembered that my mother got me fresh baked cookies scented tealights for christmas and I had one lit in my room. Fail.
11: My friends and I are cooler than giraffes. And giraffes, they're cool ;)
Sincerely Katie B

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

It's Been So Long!

1. Man it has been a WHILE since I have blogged hasn't it? I missed the whole weekend AND monday! Shame on me! I'm sorry dear followers and people who come to read my blog but don't follow (*cough*wisc*cough*)
2. Robotics tournaments are awesome!!! I don't care if that makes me some kind of nerd muffin! I will happily take this title in exchange for being able to state these awesomely nerdy facts! Go team 25-NBTHS Raider Robotics!!! You guys pwn!!! :D
3. Is there some kind of conspirosy against me so that I will never ever be able to have a fucking driving lesson!? That's twice I have been denied from getting behind the wheel of a car!! Is this some kind of frigging sign!!?? ><
4. You go Dwight Schrute! You go!
5.Go on and look up mario in a penguin suit. Remember that snow sculpture I mention in my first post (if not scroll down -_-)? Ya, well it made it on to geekologie! That's right bitchezzzzzz!
6. Ya know, a friend of mine has my favorite hoodie right now, a spiderman hoodie. But he can keep it. I now have possession of his favorite hoodie and I'm keeping it. My Raider NB Wrestling hoodie! Back off Brian! >:D
7. Love=complicated. v.v
8. Brian Mollica in a nutshell: Sacastic, eye-rolling nerd who used to wrestle and now sits on his ass playing COD.

Brian Mollica
Kill your self. that's why im in the library right now doing work :P
Yesterday at 4:12pm ·

Katie Bell
that's why you're at the library right now on facebook. :P
Yesterday at 6:08pm ·

Brian Mollica
called multitasking
Yesterday at 8:31pm ·

Katie Bell
psh, called goofing off on facebook
9. I'm tired and I want a nice hot shower.
10. I'm going to go have such shower. Bye :D
Sincerely Katie B

Thursday, March 4, 2010

HSPA Day 3 (last day)

1: Everything we had to do for the HSPA today had to do with fast food. The persuasive essay and the reading passage. Wtf? Are you trying to make my mouth water while I'm taking a stupid test? Man I was friggen starving for some poptarts afterward, which I did get. Hot fudge sundae, yuuum. Yea, but HSPA was madddd easy.
2: 1, 2, 3 ,4 Can I have a little more? 5, 6 , 7, 8 9 10 I love you! A, B, C, D Can I bring my friend to tea? E, F , G, H I J I love you! If you dont get the reference you are uncultured swine!!!
3: My day was made today by my first period biology class. You all know why ;)
4: I reaaaally want to go to this summer program at the art institute of boston!! Its 4,000 dollars I better get a job! xD anyone hiring?
5:I feel like a model lol. I was being photographed today for a friends project. *poses* xD
6: So I'll sing a song of love, for Juuuulia. ♥ go beatles
7: Today has been a pretty good day, much hasnt happened, and the things that have a good things, so I'm happy. Its a good day, it's a good day. Maybe it was the ice coffee I had at 5:00 this afternoon. After all it wasn't decaf :D
8: 5 gum now makes a black gum. Best. Gum. Ever.
9: So many of my friends are just giving up on relationships. Personally I think they're way too young. 16 is a time in your life where ur supposed to just have fun with your relationships and make the most of it. You only get to be young once, so why not enjoy it with someone else. Personally, I will never get rid of love, I'm such a hopeless romantic. If that makes me pathetic so be it, I just don't understand (after all I've been through with relationships) how anyone could just give up. After all, one is the loneliest number.
Sincerely Katie B

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

HSPA Day 2

1: I'm sorry guys, I know I'm usually sarcastic and utterly hilarious, but I'm just really not in the mood now. My whole day was just shot to hell this afternoon, so I'm just not really feeling the hilarity. I would tell you all about it, I mean afterall this is a blog about my thoughts and feeling and whatever I want, but it's just something totally ridiculas that i shouldn't be upset over and I am. Which makes me even more upset. Awesome right?
2: HSPA was terribly easy today, just disgustingly long. I mean "omg, gag me with a spoon!"
3: As you can see, I've magically turned my bad mood around. How do I do it? No...seriously, how?
4:I am publically declaring that Owl City is awesome! I have every song they've ever made on my ipod and I know all of them by heart. They all rock. If you don't like them, get off my fucking blog.
5: I really desire my spiderman hoodie back from Brian. Like, right Meow!!!!
6: For one of the only times in my life I just want to utter a word. :O shocker!
7: Having someone hack your computer at 11 at night and then "dirty" talk with someone like it's you is the funniest shit I've ever experianced. ;)
8: I really hate it when people say one thing, swear up and down the street about it, don't mean it, and then don't apologize afterward! Ya, I'm super ok! No jackass, I'm fucking pissed off and upset, I'm just killing myself trying not to be a bitch to you!!! AHHH!
9: On a softer note, my room smells like vanilla cupcakes. Thank you Yankee Candle *thumbs up*
Sincerely Katie B

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

HSPA Day 1

1: The HSPA is a joke. For the math sections anyway. Basically if you take pre-calc and up, you should be exempt. Easy Peesy...and watch me come out failing the friggen math section -_-.
2: I offically dub myself a sexually starved person. I have no problem whatsoever posting this because I pay cash fellas ;)
3:Following someone around and threatening them, talking "smack" about them in front of them, and just plain harrassing them is what I like to call stalking folks. It is a felony. I promise.
4: I am so pissed at myself for not having my glasses today when I was supposed to go to driving school, causing my dad to lose precious paid time off, and having Ron (who owns the place) lose an entire afternoon of business and costing him 190 dollars. I feel terrrrrible :(
5: I am also a sexually awkward teen. Mmmm watch out boys here I come ;) Again, cold hard cash!!!!
6: I like someone ;). You may think you know who you are, but you don't.
7: I love all you formspring people who send me dirty messages. You seriously make my day. Keep up the good work.
8: I'm pretty sure I am now officially a fan of everything on facebook. Some of you may think its a win. No. Fail
9: Currently I am playing spider solitare. The cards I keep getting are very unhelpful. Fuck you spider solitare!!! I will win you! >:}
10: Hmmm todays posts weren't very long. O well
Sincerely Katie B

Monday, March 1, 2010

Days Like Today

1: Days like today sort of remind me of movies. They start out simple and pleasing, nothing too complicated is occuring and everything is normal enough. Then, in the middle of having this perfectly simple time, enjoying the idea of not having to really think, a plot twist messes everything up and u start having to use your brain. It stays like that for a while, twisting and twisting till you almost explode and then boom! Everything just blows up quickly, letting the dust settle softly on the ground. Basically my day today. Awesome.
2: What's up with airline food? Am I right?
3:I just sneezed and burped at the same time. Not sure if that's a win or a fail.
4: Currently I am failing epically at love. It's normal I guess, everyone does and after getting out of a loooong relationship with a crazy person I suppose its expected, still, doesn't make me any happier to say it. I'll wait though, I'm just gonna have fun being my single self for a bit. Go out with my friends, do craAaAaAaAazy teenage shit, and just have a blast! Trust me there will be many unexplainable photos involved that I will never show to my children..when I have them that is.
5: Sooo souped for HESPA tomorrow -____-
6: Don't hate appreciate. ;)
Sincerely Katie B