Thursday, September 23, 2010

(Insert Catchy Title Name Here)

1: The air in here is frigid. Why they keep the air conditioning so high in this god damned school I don't know, but here I am, freezing in shorts that aren't really shorts. I'm trying to text you but the teacher is looking. I haven't had a moment to all school day. Fuck.
2:I guess yesterday I had a taste of summer again. It was so beautiful, so wonderful not having to come home from school tired and groaning about homework that has to be done, books that have to be read. So nice. Well. 169 days to go.
3: I apparently have wonderful touch typing technique O.o
4: Booooyah! I got my drivers license! psh hells to the yea! :D
5: Google voice is a major fail lol.
6: My choice of show this afternoon was silent library, a cool game show on MTV based off a Japanese one. funny shiiit! Justin bieber was a guest contestant. He had to drink a milkshake of won ton soup, an egg roll, white rice, and a fortune cookie and no one could make noise (the show is called Silent Library for a reason). He tried drinking it but ended up barfing some of it up on the table. haha. He was also wearing a cast on his right leg O.o. why?
7:Tomorrow is Friday...thank god!
8:It's 9:07 on a Thursday
The regular crowd shuffles in
There's a skinny man looking up at me
Rubbing the peach fuzz on his chin
He says, girl can you play me a memory
I'm pretty sure you know how it goes
Cause it's sad and it's sweet and we knew it complete
So I started playing the notes

9: I don't waaaaaaannna work tomorrow and Saturday D: rfskaKLDFSGR...

But I need moneyz :P
10: So apparently the computer technical class teachers (like teachers for computer animation and such) didn't talk to my graphic design teacher (graphic design does require computer programs FYI) about joining together budgets to upgrade programs so nooooow the tech classes have PS CS5 and the rest of us people who actually use it more often and need it more don't. -________-
11: Fitch University
Sincerely, Katie B

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