Monday, September 13, 2010

If We Hook a Dream

1: "Take me somewhere nice, to some tired island in your heart called paradise.Though we wonder home, we both feel alone like escapees with nowhere to go
*If we hook a dream, and it tows us back down this open stream, we'll say hello. Oh oh, take us wherever you go."
2: "You and me could make black holes"
3: So lately what I've been doing (and getting away with) to listen to music during some of my less important classes is running my headphones up the back of my shirt and putting them in my ears, which are covered by my hair. This is a plus to having long hair I guess :P
4:You seem to sweep all my problems under the carpet. You take a screwdriver to them. You put them in a shrinking machine. You make them smaller then small. You put them in the basement and lock the door. You throw them out in the rain and toss away the key.
Thank you
5: "Your faith was strong but you needed proof. You saw her bathing on the roof. Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you. She tied you to a kitchen chair. She broke your throne. She cut your hair. And from your lips she drew the hallelujah."
6:The power went out in my house for a full five minutes due to an epic storm of awesome porportions. It was dark and there was a mirror right in front of me, reminding me of those moments in horror movies when the killer pops up in the mirror behind you. So scary. Thank you Ian, for receiving a call that I was scared out of my mind and following that sentence by playing the halloween theme song. -.- Thats why I hung up on you.
7:Why won't the smoke alarm stop beeeeeeeeeeping!!!! ><
8: I ♥ panera bread
9:I was trying to think of something profound to say but I can't think of anything
Sincerely, Katie B

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