Wednesday, September 8, 2010

At School

1: LOLZ! Starting this blog from school. Nice job franklin, still can't keep me off the blog sites :P
2: Senior year! I am a senior biotches! Rulin the school,takin easy A classes, and raggin on the n00b freshmen. I guess the first two days have been alright, I don't have too amny classes with my friends but I have a feeling this year is going to kick the last three years asses. Look out underclassmen, class of '11 is here >:}
3: I went to seaside with my family on labor day to get an old time phot taken. My two little brothers picked a cowboy theme so (of course)I got to be a cowgirl, aka: long skirt, mans shirt, ugly vest and big stupid hat. Luckily tho, I got to hold a big rifle >:D pointed right at my brothers throat >:}
4: So guess what my name means guys? Pure

alright you can stop laughing now -.-
5: Life has just been severely stressful lately (*cough*meeeennn*cough*) and I'm glad school is here to at least take my mind off it a little.

Sincerely, Katie B

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