Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Heart Breaker

1: I'm a heartbreaker. I know, I don't seem like the type but I really am just so you know. This week I've broken two peoples hearts. Killing two innocent birds with one bitchy stone. But I don't do it because I enjoy it, no, I would never. It just happens. Ya, I may be young and stupid and a "bitch", but I'm no bitch honey. You keep that in mind when you're talking trash. I may be a heart breaker, but at least I don't savor it like I know you would.
2:Yesterday some freshman almost dragged me down the stairs just to tell me that he had the same shirt as me. He's very lucky that I thought I was going to be late to class.
3: On Tuesday a friend of mine got into a car accident due the idiot driving of some man in a truck. I was worried when he told me. Terrible things came to mine. Obviously he wasn't dieing due to the fact that he was actually able to talk to me but he could have had something broken or sprained or been terribly shaken up. I thought about what I would do if he had been seriously hurt. Getting over my fear of driving on 22 alone would be the first step. The second would be using all my gas money up for Japanese candy. The third, probably bursting into his room when he was doing something like getting changed or fisting lol.
I guess that blow to his car, the blow to his freedom, was really the last straw. That and the fact that really no one asked him if he was ok, like no one cared. I care. fyi. even tho I'm epically terrible at showing it.
4:"Have a blessed day everyone?"
"Have a blessed day? Don't really hear that often."
"Alright, you can go to hell. Everyone else, have a good day!"
-courtesy of Thomas
5:Best part of my day: Getting in my car, driving home to my speakers blasting, getting into the house, and dialing your number.
6:Rutgers party tomorrow with Jax!!!!!!!! Ahhh just hope I don't get hit on by a bunch of drunk college guys..or thrown up on..
Anyway fun time!
Sincerely, Katie B

Monday, September 27, 2010

I've Got Sunshine

1: Not much to say, except, I'm still here sunshine. I've got sunshine.
2: I hate being home
I hate thinking alone
Thinking alone
Cause tears to fall
Emotions to ball and flail
Things to burst and impale other things
Like hearts
I hate being home
Thinking alone
All on my own
That's when the tears fall

Sincerely, Katie B

Friday, September 24, 2010

Sweet Sweet Karma

1: I was walking through the hallway from English and I felt terrible. I felt ugly. I felt small and looked down on. Who was I? Some girl in jeans and a t-shirt. That's all I've ever been. But then I saw my ex walking through the hallway. A smile just ripped it's way across my face. Look at him. He looked miserable. He looked tired and angry and distraught. I know it sounds terrible, but looking at him and his terrible awful self, it made me realize I have so much to be happy about. That I have someone who thinks I'm pretty, I have a nice house, I have a good family, I have love and friendship and people who like me and talk to me for who I am. He has nothing.
Sweet Sweet Karma?
Oh lord yes ;)
2: People should visit me at Cold Stone cause I say so :P
Sincerely, Katie B

Thursday, September 23, 2010

(Insert Catchy Title Name Here)

1: The air in here is frigid. Why they keep the air conditioning so high in this god damned school I don't know, but here I am, freezing in shorts that aren't really shorts. I'm trying to text you but the teacher is looking. I haven't had a moment to all school day. Fuck.
2:I guess yesterday I had a taste of summer again. It was so beautiful, so wonderful not having to come home from school tired and groaning about homework that has to be done, books that have to be read. So nice. Well. 169 days to go.
3: I apparently have wonderful touch typing technique O.o
4: Booooyah! I got my drivers license! psh hells to the yea! :D
5: Google voice is a major fail lol.
6: My choice of show this afternoon was silent library, a cool game show on MTV based off a Japanese one. funny shiiit! Justin bieber was a guest contestant. He had to drink a milkshake of won ton soup, an egg roll, white rice, and a fortune cookie and no one could make noise (the show is called Silent Library for a reason). He tried drinking it but ended up barfing some of it up on the table. haha. He was also wearing a cast on his right leg O.o. why?
7:Tomorrow is Friday...thank god!
8:It's 9:07 on a Thursday
The regular crowd shuffles in
There's a skinny man looking up at me
Rubbing the peach fuzz on his chin
He says, girl can you play me a memory
I'm pretty sure you know how it goes
Cause it's sad and it's sweet and we knew it complete
So I started playing the notes

9: I don't waaaaaaannna work tomorrow and Saturday D: rfskaKLDFSGR...

But I need moneyz :P
10: So apparently the computer technical class teachers (like teachers for computer animation and such) didn't talk to my graphic design teacher (graphic design does require computer programs FYI) about joining together budgets to upgrade programs so nooooow the tech classes have PS CS5 and the rest of us people who actually use it more often and need it more don't. -________-
11: Fitch University
Sincerely, Katie B

Monday, September 20, 2010

Truth #1

1: It is so not cool that you stole my blog style, like for real, get your own. I came up with this all on my own, and it is unique to my own taste. So boo you for jackin' my uniqueness >:(
2: No one has ever written me a love song. I know, I havent really had many boyfriends to account for but I don't know. Even a poem would be really nice. I've never really picked the guy who was elloquent or good with words, I suppose I've always played that part but it would really be nice to have one just written because, and not have to ask for it. Just because they thought I looked pretty that day or because they love how I'm silly or anything. That would be nice.
3:"You think I'm pretty without any makeup on. You think I'm funny when I tell the punch line wrong.I know you get me so I let my walls come down. Down."
*"My heart stops when you look at me. Just one touch. Now baby I believe. This is real."
4: Don't talk about my father. Ever. He's a better man then you'll ever be. A better father and a better person. He's made mistakes but so have you. At least he owns up to them, at least he's sorry.
5:Truth #1: I feel like i can never live up to her.
Truth #2: I feel like you care less and less every day.
Truth #3: Every second of every minute of every day, your slowly proving my point.
Truth #4: It hurts
Questuion #1: Why?
6: I'm more broken then you know. I'm not trying to be some kind of emo whiny bitch. Just sayin tho. I'm not sure anyone knows what they're getting into with me. They just don't. YOU just don't
7: My day was pretty good today (note: day = before 6pm) I exercised, had a fine time in my classes, and talked to a really nice person I hadn't in a while. Plus had one of the many epic phone convos I do after I arrive home. Calm cool and collected. That was, until everyone comes home.
8:While making pizza in the toaster oven today, I burnt a cut I have on my finger. OUCH! omg that hurt so friggen bad!! I screamed at the top of my ungs and proceeded to get a little batman band-aid :3
9: I'm not sure if I'm overreacting or if this is how I should feel. I guess you would just say I'm're probably right v.v
10: I got another boobies bracelett! a green one ^^ that makes 4 boobies :D tehe
11: Every night in the frozen fields of rain and lightning
You take a bite of my heart
I take a bite of yours
And we cry
We both cry
I say it's me
You say it's you
But we keep taking bites of each others hearts
Take a bite of my heart tonight
12: Do you even care. Probably not.
Sincerely, -----

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Skin and Bones

1: I know you're nothin but skin and bones
But you sure think I'm beautiful
With my long long hair
And my big blue eyes
Your thinkin bout makin me yours tonight
2: I am a hollister lifegaurd *puffs out chest and kisses my muscles* oh damn...i have no muscles..v.v
3: I'm watching Fred the movie. John Cena just came into the movie as Freds dad. mk. this movie is awesome
4: Wendy's spicey chicken nuggets>Wendy's regular chicken nuggets
5: Flat tires :S Never driving into a gas station ever again :P
6: Everytime you say bye to me on the phone you say something under your breath. I hear you.
Sincerely, Katie B

Monday, September 13, 2010

If We Hook a Dream

1: "Take me somewhere nice, to some tired island in your heart called paradise.Though we wonder home, we both feel alone like escapees with nowhere to go
*If we hook a dream, and it tows us back down this open stream, we'll say hello. Oh oh, take us wherever you go."
2: "You and me could make black holes"
3: So lately what I've been doing (and getting away with) to listen to music during some of my less important classes is running my headphones up the back of my shirt and putting them in my ears, which are covered by my hair. This is a plus to having long hair I guess :P
4:You seem to sweep all my problems under the carpet. You take a screwdriver to them. You put them in a shrinking machine. You make them smaller then small. You put them in the basement and lock the door. You throw them out in the rain and toss away the key.
Thank you
5: "Your faith was strong but you needed proof. You saw her bathing on the roof. Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you. She tied you to a kitchen chair. She broke your throne. She cut your hair. And from your lips she drew the hallelujah."
6:The power went out in my house for a full five minutes due to an epic storm of awesome porportions. It was dark and there was a mirror right in front of me, reminding me of those moments in horror movies when the killer pops up in the mirror behind you. So scary. Thank you Ian, for receiving a call that I was scared out of my mind and following that sentence by playing the halloween theme song. -.- Thats why I hung up on you.
7:Why won't the smoke alarm stop beeeeeeeeeeping!!!! ><
8: I ♥ panera bread
9:I was trying to think of something profound to say but I can't think of anything
Sincerely, Katie B

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Underneath the Dark Blue

In short succession
In short of time
I come to find
Myself laying beneath stars and dark blue
But I'm not waiting for you
I'm not waiting for blue
Or green
Or brown
I'm down on this ground
Waiting for something profound
Something sound
And time will show
As canons burst from my hearts front window
If what I want can be found on this ground
Or if I have to walk to find it
Maybe you're right and this is the place to be
You know, you and me
Silently burning under an oak tree
Taking pictures of things we can't really see
Ordering too much pizza and watching an action movie
Like you thought we'd be


Here I lay
Underneath the dark blue
And I'm not waiting for you

It's true

Thursday, September 9, 2010

I'm Tired of Being Tired

1: I guess sometimes we are disappointed by things we thought we would be impressed by.Things we expected to see but don't, that have been taken down after they were so boldly and admiringly posted for everyone to see, regardless of the backlash. Things that offended, things that caused talk and argument, but not of it mattered because it was how the person who posted them felt. But i guess disappointment will always show up, that admiration doesn't last, that feelings are taken down.I suppose bravery is fleeting and fear is forever.
2: I'm very sick of being yelled at by everyone and everything, hurting and being hurt and feeling like shit and having no one I feel like i can talk to about it because I'm supposed to be the optimistic one. I'm tired of being overwhelmed and sorry and I'm just tired of being tired. I am SO tired of being tired. All I want to do is be satisfied for a little while. I don't know why that's so much to ask for. {insert my mother yelling how I'm such a whiny little bitch here)
3: Life goes on even when you can't, it's not going to stand around waiting for you to get yourself together.
4: I wonder if some people knew how unhappy I feel a lot of the time what they would do. I wonder if they would try to make me feel better or just let me go on being like this because they wouldn't know what to do or say. Like I mentioned before, I really don't feel like I can go to anyone, I don't think they would know what to say, or that they would say anything comforting. I guess I'm going to have to continue to be happy for everyone else. Don't get me wrong, I'm not always sad and depressed, but when your alone, you really start thinking...and thinking is trouble.
5: Time to go to sleep I guess.

Sincerely, Katie B

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

At School

1: LOLZ! Starting this blog from school. Nice job franklin, still can't keep me off the blog sites :P
2: Senior year! I am a senior biotches! Rulin the school,takin easy A classes, and raggin on the n00b freshmen. I guess the first two days have been alright, I don't have too amny classes with my friends but I have a feeling this year is going to kick the last three years asses. Look out underclassmen, class of '11 is here >:}
3: I went to seaside with my family on labor day to get an old time phot taken. My two little brothers picked a cowboy theme so (of course)I got to be a cowgirl, aka: long skirt, mans shirt, ugly vest and big stupid hat. Luckily tho, I got to hold a big rifle >:D pointed right at my brothers throat >:}
4: So guess what my name means guys? Pure

alright you can stop laughing now -.-
5: Life has just been severely stressful lately (*cough*meeeennn*cough*) and I'm glad school is here to at least take my mind off it a little.

Sincerely, Katie B

Thursday, September 2, 2010

I Remember...

1: Do You Remember- Jack Johnson
2: :'(
Sincerely, A Bitch

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Whyyyyy Sweet Jesus?!

1: Whyyyyyy does school have to start next Tuesday!? I'm not ready to wake up early and rush to get dressed and then listen to some stupid bullshit from my teachers every god damn weekday. Arrrrggghhh why lord v.v
2: I hold grudges a lot like I would probably hold liquir, loosely and with little conviction.
3: I haz a comfy narwhal and you doo0o0o0o0o0on't. nah nah nah nah nah naahhh naaaahh >:}
4: This past Sunday I went to the Uproar Festival at PNC Bank Arts Center and saw some really amazing bands. Disturbed, Avenged Sevenfold, and Airbourne were the best that played by far, Disturbed being numero uno. There was a Rockstar energy drink compound there too giving out free drinks. We went in there maybe 5 or 6 times and filled our pockets and my bag with cans and cans of rockstar. At the end of the day, I still had some in my bag. There was also this reeeeaaallly hammered guy at the concert walking around with his hand in front of his lighter murmuring. Our name for him : Dragonslayer.
Hellz to the yeaaaa
5: I got a message on myyearbook this week that went a little something like this:

Dear Katie,
I'm glad we matched--from your profile you seem pretty fun, not to mention you have great grammar!

Important Question: Who's your favorite Mario Kart character?


weeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiird! Who mentions grammar?! who!? wtf are you an officer of the grammar police and good grammar is some sort of turn on for you? :S

6:I had a really good birthday ^^ Saw Scott Pilgrim and had a relaxing time :) yay for 17
7: Saw Purana and The Last Exorcism within the same week. Both were weird. Both had a cheap ending. Both were a waste of my money.
8:Yay for cookie monster hats and cookie monster cupcakes!! ♥
9: Don't you dare mess with my friends. Say what you want about me but when you start on them, if they don't hit you first, I will. End of Story
10: I'm tiiiiired. Goodnight...and good luck *TV turns off*
Sincerely, Katie B