Saturday, April 24, 2010

Wisc Wednesday

1: On wednesday (obviously) of this past week, I noticed that the title of the day was "Wisc Wednesday." Why, I have no idea. All I know is, it made me smile. :)
2: Last friday I was walking home when I noticed a group of 90 hawks flying over my house. Granted, they weren't vultures, but it really made me wonder whether I should take the chance and go inside.
3: Owwww! burned my ear on my hair straightner. The pain!!!!
4: I got rubberbands for my braces yesterday, but only for the right side. So now, it feels like the left side of my mouth is higher then the right side. This makes absolutley no sense!!!
5:I hate how lonely I get sometimes, even when I know you're right there, I get lonely. It's hard to fall asleep knowing my lips haven't touched yours today, and they won't tomorrow, or the next day, or the day after that. But I do take comfort in the fact that one day I can wake up, and just lean over an inch and get what I long so fervently for right now. I miss you. You know who you are.
6: Damn I feel like a loser all couped up in my house on a beautiful saturday afternoon :(
7: I spell cookies. My candle perhaps?
Sincerely Katie B

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