Saturday, April 24, 2010

Wisc Wednesday

1: On wednesday (obviously) of this past week, I noticed that the title of the day was "Wisc Wednesday." Why, I have no idea. All I know is, it made me smile. :)
2: Last friday I was walking home when I noticed a group of 90 hawks flying over my house. Granted, they weren't vultures, but it really made me wonder whether I should take the chance and go inside.
3: Owwww! burned my ear on my hair straightner. The pain!!!!
4: I got rubberbands for my braces yesterday, but only for the right side. So now, it feels like the left side of my mouth is higher then the right side. This makes absolutley no sense!!!
5:I hate how lonely I get sometimes, even when I know you're right there, I get lonely. It's hard to fall asleep knowing my lips haven't touched yours today, and they won't tomorrow, or the next day, or the day after that. But I do take comfort in the fact that one day I can wake up, and just lean over an inch and get what I long so fervently for right now. I miss you. You know who you are.
6: Damn I feel like a loser all couped up in my house on a beautiful saturday afternoon :(
7: I spell cookies. My candle perhaps?
Sincerely Katie B

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Meniacal Voice of 5 year old

1:Yesterday, I walked out on the back porch of my grandmothers house to tell my two little brothers and little cousin to come inside for dinner. Sammy, the oldest of the three, turned around red-faced and screamed at the top of his lungs "I HATE YOU KATIE!!!" Upon his ascention up the steps, he kept saying it in the most meniacal voice I've ever heard. I was laughing so hard I felt some abs coming on.
2: There was an assembly for all the juniors in the my school. One of the first things they mentioned was the spring fling dance for the juniors, in which you can't bring someone from outside the school. Grrrrrrrr! Now I'm just not going -__-. Second of all, I was being so obnoxious the whole rest of the time xD. I think I made a comment about everything someone said...go me! ;)
3: I am so obssessed with the song Short Skirt/Long Jacket by Cake, The Hercules soundtrack, and The Anastasia soundtrack currently. I am so cool!!!
4: I don't even know why I bother buying shorts every summer. I try them on at the store, think i look cute, get home, realize my legs look fat, and never wear them. Really, why do I bother? -___-
5: Don't worry, I still love you...even if I threaten to pop a cap in yo ass ;P
7: Whenever I see an Asian kid, I always secretly hope they know karate. Why you ask? Because it would be epic and hilarious at the same time
8: I really hate when I close my eyes during a movie soundtrack and imagine resting on someones shoulder and getting a huge smile...and then realizing it's not real =/
9: I can't do the jerk. I have tried and tried and tried but I am incapable. Why cruel God have u cursed me with bad dancing skills!
Sincerely Katie B

Monday, April 5, 2010

Ukuleles and Coloring Books

1: Today I was walking to gym in a really bad mood, and then I saw my friend walking down the hall playing a ukulele. That totally made my day right there.
2: How is it possible that when it's sunny out it's pretty much impossible to be anything but happy?
3: For easter, my little brother got this crayola game book where you color the game board first and then play. At first I didn't want to do it with him, but then as I got started, I realized that I was having more fun coloring than he was. There ya have it folks, a 16 year old girl was having more fun coloring pictures of villians and tornados than a 5 year old boy. *plus 3 to patheticness*
4: Yesterday, I had fun looking through a Betty Crocker cookbook and labeling things I would like to bake. Aren't I such a good little woman ^^
5: I was in taco bell with my friend the other day and I told him that I applied for a job at an ice cream shop. He looked at me and laughed. I asked him what was so funny and he said "I don't know, you just look like the type of person who would work at an ice cream shop." What the hell is that supposed to mean!!!??? I ain't no yuppy teeny-bopper who wears a visor and bermuda shorts everyday ><. How the hell do I look like I work at an ice cream shop!!!!!???..obviously I took great offense.
6: Cake. It's a band. And they are deeeelicious ;)
7: Long nails; terrible for opening soda cans, awesome for scratching your back =3
8: Long days sitting out in an airplane lot, taking pictures of an orange sunset before it disappears behind the horizon...stupendous ♥
9: I looooooove Sonic! Best fast food place eva! I love it so much, that I am willing to move around on rollerblades bringing around trays of food to people in order to take their money ;}
10: It is so fucked up that Justin Bieder gets his god damn permit before me! What is this shit!? He looks like he's fucking 12!!!! Not kewl!!!!!
11: I want Easter candy. I will go get some. Yay for being a fatty :D.
Sincerely Katie B