Monday, October 25, 2010


1: to tumblr
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Sincerely, Katie B

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Honey Pie

1: "Honey Pie, you are driving me crazy, I'm in love but I'm lazy, oh won't you please come home.Honey Pie, my situation is tragic, come and show me the magic, of your Hollywood songs."
2:There's a girl in my lap and I'm pettin her hair. There's a girl in my lap, and she's layin right there. lollllzzzz
3:I just don't feel good today, I'm not sure why. I just kinda woke up sick. I feel tired and my throat hurts and my nose is runny. Bleh just not a good day for school I suppose. What I wouldn't give for a warm comfy bed right now.
4:I've had an okay week. It was nice seeing people I wanted to see, though it's been kind of emotional for some reason. I guess people don't anticipate how many feelings I have. I suppose people don't anticipate that sometimes maybe I'll randomly explode because it's been building up so much. Oh wellz. Deal with it.
5: Finger mustaches :{D
6: I miss you and you and you.
7: I'm sorry about everything to everyone about all the things that have happened in all these stressed out days. I am. I'm sorry
Sincerely, Katie B

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

You Matter Because You Don't Mind

1: "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
2: "Hey Noel, those shoes are super awesome, they look really good."
"Tehe you're sweet to say that." - It's Kind of A Funny Story
3:Assume: To make an ass(out of)u(and)me.
Sincerely, Katie B

Friday, October 8, 2010

Cuz of College Stress

1:I just don't feel like writing =\

Sincerely, Katie B