Monday, July 5, 2010

Fireworks and a Bad Sunburn

1: The fireworks in milltown on saturday were amazing. We got near perfect seats for taking pictures and it was a comfortable heat. The fireworks on sunday in Perth Amboy were kinda failish until some rich guy started firing some off in his backyard. Thank you anonymous rich guy and your excess money for the fireworks
2: I played the funniest prank on my brother by wrapping an empty iPad box up and giving it to him for his graduation present. Too bad he can't take a joke -_-
3: The Perth Amboy waterfront smells like 3 year old cat food ><
4: I love how in an earlier blog I talked about how one of my friends said I look like the type of person who would work at an ice cream store and now I work at an ice cream store.
5: "If I was a raindrop, would you be my thunderstorm. It's cold so surround me with rainclouds to keep me warm. I feel like I'm falling, so darling don't let me go. The thought is appalling, but should I slip away, into the stormy sea, will you remember me?"
6: I went to the beach on Wednesday with my friend Jax and got a really bad sunburn on the entire back half of my body. It was sooo painful, it felt like I had waffle irons burning on me whenever I sat down or laid back. Made it really painful to sleep too. Thank you Jax for playing "I'm not touching you" on the car ride home, and thank you Brian for poking it -__-
7: Heard the funniest song coming back from the beach called Pray for You. "..let the good lord do his job, and you just pray for them....I pray your brakes go out runnin down a hill, i pray a flowerpot falls from a windowsill and knocks you in the head like I'd like tooooo." xD
8: I'm tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiired
Sincerely, Katie B