Sunday, May 23, 2010

Arrrr ye scurvey dogs! Eye me scrawlin'! It be pleasin' to t' eye!

1: Wow guys! It's been almost a month since I've posted. I'm shocked and appalled with myself. I should have funny things to write about EVERY DAMN DAY. Shame on me. Bad Katie bad.
2: Today I switched the language on my fb to English(pirate). I spent maybe two hours laughing at all the new words for things. I'm not making this up, go see for yourself, its seriously a language.
3: I got heels today. Wtf. What's happening to me.
4: My brother had to go tux shopping today for his gf's prom which is in two weeks. I was with him and my mother cause we had to get me shoes (referring to said heels). The salesmen mistook me for his gf. Ew. Ew. Ew. EWWWW!!!!!
5:I went to the grounds for sculpture this past Thursday with my school. There was a sculpture there of a horse that was particularly detailed. My one friend looked at it and said "Oh look, it's castrated." I took another look and said 'Naw, it still has it's balls." All of a sudden these two old ladies behind me started cracking up. I was sooo embarrassed but I couldn't stop laughing.
6:Friday we had no teacher in my 8th period class, so one of my friends was sitting in the teachers chair. A security officer walked in and said that she (thinking she was the sub) parked her car in a weird spot and asked her to move it. She didn't deny she was the substitute, simply said she had a BMW and that it definatly wasn't her car. He checked, found out it wasn't a BMW and left still thinking she was the sub. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW
7:Raise your hand if you think your sexy

Naw haha, put it down you're all fugly :D
8: Ever since I got the pirate feature on fb, my friend Nick and I haven't been able to stop talking in pirate. :P
9: While out with my friend on Friday, we stumbled upon two little bunnies. We got pretty close before they scampered away close to the edge of some trees. They hadn't gone all the way behind them so my friend proceeded to turn towards them and hiss. I love my friends.
10: I messaged someone on fb because they had added me and I wanted to find out who they were because I couldn't recall ever meeting them. The message consisted of them telling me that most of the bands I liked were for pussys and then adding that I was very cute. No! No! You don't get to trash all my bands and then call me cute! wtf!!!???
...but thank you anyway..
11:The tux place smelled strangely of Little Cesar's/Domino's pizza. Made me hungry.
12: I'm still hungry :( foooooood
Sincerely, Katie B